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"Justice is the constant and perpetual wish to render to every one his due."
~ Emperor Justinian
Upcoming Events
2024-2025 Membership Application and Membership Renewal
December Board Meeting by Zoom
The monthly meeting of the Board of Governors for The Justinian Society will take place on Monday, December 16, 2024 at 4:30 Zoom with meeting number and password under separate cover. More...
January Board Meeting, Host: Francesca Iacovangelo Location: Locks Law Firm, Curtis Center, 601 Walnut St, Ste 720 East, Philadelphia, PA 19106 at 4:30 p.m. and by Zoom.
The monthly meeting of the Board of Governors for The Justinian Society will take place on Tuesday, January 21, 2025, (Monday, Jan 20 MLK day),4:30 pm, Host: Francesca Iacovangelo Location: Locks Law Firm, Curtis Center, 601 Walnut St, Ste 720 East, Philadelphia, PA 19106 at 4:30 p.m. and by Zoom. More...
February Board Meeting, Tuesday, February 18, 2025
The monthly meeting of the Board of Governors for The Justinian Society will take place on Tuesday, February 18, 2025 at 4:30 pm. Zoom details will be provided. More...
March Board Meeting at 4:30 p.m.Host: Francesca Iacovangelo, Locks Law Firm, Curtis Center, 601 Walnut St, Ste 720 East, Philadelphia, PA 19106 and by Zoom.
The monthly meeting of the Board of Governors for The Justinian Society will take place on Monday, March 17, 2025, Host: Francesca Iacovangelo, Locks Law Firm, Curtis Center, 601 Walnut St, Ste 720 East, Philadelphia, PA 19106 at 4:30 pm and by Zoom. More...
April Board Meeting,Host: Francesca Iacovangelo, Locks Law Firm, Curtis Center, 601 Walnut St, Ste 720 East, Philadelphia, PA 19106 at 4:30 pm and by Zoom.
The monthly meeting of the Board of Governors for The Justinian Society will take place on Monday, April 21, 2025 at 4:30 pm, Host: Francesca Iacovangelo, Locks Law Firm, Curtis Center, 601 Walnut St, Ste 720 East, Philadelphia, PA 19106 at 4:30 pm and by Zoom. More...
May Board Meeting
The monthly meeting of the Board of Governors for The Justinian Society will take place on Monday, May 19, 2025 at 4:30 pm. Location: TBD and by Zoom More...
June Board Meeting, Host: Francesca Iacovangelo, Locks Law Firm, Curtis Center, 601 Walnut St, Ste 720 East, Philadelphia, PA 19106 at 4:30 pm and by Zoom.
The monthly meeting of the Board of Governors for The Justinian Society will take place on Monday, June 16, 2025 at 4:30 pm, Host: Francesca Iacovangelo, Locks Law Firm, Curtis Center, 601 Walnut St, Ste 720 East, Philadelphia, PA 19106 at 4:30 pm and by Zoom. More...
Justinian Society News
Justinian Society Event Photos

The Justinian Society 2024 Justinian Christmas Party
To see photos from the event, click here.

2024 Annual Meeting/Election, Scholarship Reception and Luncheon honoring William Mignucci, President & CEO of Di Bruno Brothers
The Justinian Society and Foundation honored William Mignucci.. To see photos from the event, click here.

The Justinian Society 2023 Justinian Christmas Party
To see photos from the event, click here

Annual Meeting/Election, Scholarship Reception and Luncheon honoring Dario C. Altieri, MD President and Chief Executive Officer of The Wistar Institute Director of the Ellen and Ronald Caplan Cancer Center Distinguished Professor, Robert and Penny Fox Immunology, Microenvironment & Metastasis Program.
The Justinian Society and Foundation honored Dario C. Altieri, M.D.. To see photos from the event, click here.

2023 Beccaria Ceremony Awarded to Sara Jacobson, Esquire, Executive Director, Public Defender Association of Pennsylvania (PDAP) with Complimentary Reception.
The Justinian Society and the Philadelphia Bar Association Criminal Justice Section 2023 Beccaria Award given to Sara Jacobson. To see photos from the event, click here.

  December 2020 Justinian Member of the Month

Nathan J. Andrisani, Esq.
December 2020 Justinian Member of the Month

Nathan J. Andrisani is a Partner at the law firm of Morgan Lewis.

Mr. Andrisani defends organizations and individuals facing government investigations and related litigation. He represents clients in a variety of white-collar criminal matters, False Claims Act (FCA) and qui tam litigation, and other complex government investigations. These include alleged health care fraud and violations of US federal and state anti-kickback, anti-corruption, and commercial bribery statutes, the Sherman Antitrust Act, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA), environmental protection laws, US Drug Enforcement Administration regulations, and import/export regulations, including the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR).

In addition to his criminal and investigative work, Mr. Andrisani counsels clients on US federal and state compliance issues. He regularly conducts antitrust, anti-corruption, and FCPA compliance training seminars for sales and management teams in a range of industries.

Before joining Morgan Lewis, Mr. Andrisani served as an Assistant District Attorney in the Philadelphia District Attorney's Office where he prosecuted and tried hundreds of criminal cases involving a wide range of state crimes.

Mr. Andrisani is very active in the community and dedicated to various charitable and philanthropic endeavors, including most recently serving as a member and the chair of the board of directors for Make-A-Wish Philadelphia, Northern Delaware and Susquehanna Valley, and leading Morgan Lewis's annual United Way campaign since 2007.

Una Piccola Conversazione

1. How long have you been a member of the Justinian Society?

Member of the Board of Governors since 2016

2. Why did you join the Justinian Society, and what do you hope to gain from membership?

I joined in honor of and to celebrate my Italian heritage, for the camaraderie of other attorneys who are bringing honor to their own family's immigrant roots and contribute to the Philadelphia bar and our community.

3. What do you love or enjoy most about your job?

Meeting people and solving complex problems.

4. How would you define success?

The health and happiness of my beautiful angels, my daughters, Alexa (23), Olivia (21) and Sophia (18).  Knowing if you died tomorrow, you would have led a life well-lived that made a positive difference in other people's lives.

5. Who or what inspires you?

My wife and my mother inspire me through their individual grit, determination and continued commitment to constantly learning, growing and serving others.

6. If you could choose anyone in history as a mentor, who would you choose and why?

God was kind enough to give me the best mentor – my Pop – without making me choose.

7. Name one valuable lesson you've learned in your life and that you would advise other members to follow?

Approach everything worth doing with passion and enthusiasm.

8. What's something about you (a fun fact) that not many people know?

I am passionate about coaching girls basketball and film game-day videos for the team before each game.

9. What's the last book you read?

John Marshall's "The Final Founder"

10. What's your favorite thing about Philadelphia, i.e., sports team, restaurant, museum, history, music etc.?

The people and the attitude!

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